วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556


In countries around the world with a different culture away. Before we travel to various countries. Whether on a field trip, on vacation, to study or to do business. We should also take note of the foreign culture. So as not to behave badly on the culture of each country. We give examples of popular social etiquette practices.
The cross-legged. Arabic is a very offensive manner. Seat, one foot forward in front of an interlocutor. Feet should be flat on the floor on either side, it would be polite.
The business cards. Business card printing. Business cards should be printed on good initialization. The back of the card should print the contact details in English. The rank or position of a type that should be done because it is susceptible to that. When given a business card to anyone. Do not use the left hand. In Japan, when you give someone a business card. It is customary to hold on with both hands to give.
Conversations with the common. Is a topic that should be done before a serious discussion of a traditional Japanese feel the need to drink a good cup of tea before I turned the business into the next.
The distance of the caller. Americans are standing together chatting away about 1 foot to 3 feet or Latin American Spanish. And the Middle East to stand too close conversation. The Asian and African are spaced from each other a lot. Such as standing talking to a lady.
Contact Discussions should generally avoid touching. Muslims consider the left hand unclean hands. Should avoid contact with or touch the left hand side.
The normal eye. The Middle East, the Spanish and European popular eye contact when conversing together. Asians, especially the Japanese. The eye contact is considered disrespectful and may make the caller is not satisfied.
Manipulation The Middle East and the Far East, the finger is considered impolite manner. The gestures should be something that should be done over. Meanwhile, the thumb is considered rude manner for Australians. Using the thumb and forefinger making a circle symbol in Latin American countries is treated as a middle finger to the American people. In Japan, it means money in France is ridiculous.
The touch. Arab American and Spanish or Greek a popular touch. Time during the General Chat. The French will touch lightly and quickly, and do not shake hands with a senior posts. Popular with the German people, when they first meet each other and say goodbye. In the general discussion that does not support it. Men are shaking hands with a lady's hand upon the elders in it.
Embrace. Embraced a common ethnic Slav and Latin America in general. The men embraced women embracing the female form congratulated each other can be compared to the hands of the West. However if this tradition that is foreign to the other modality such dwell with prudence and suitability.
Manners are important. Each country has a unique and popular traditions differ as to whether any part of the country. When we meet with different nationalities. We should act accordingly. Does not create a hard to find it.

วันพุธที่ 23 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556


Conversation telephoning
Bookseller: Hello! My name is Panida. May I help you?
Customer: My name is Irin. I have problem about the book to buy on the three days ago.
Bookseller: Oh! Ms. Irin. You order International Business book three days ago. Do you have a problem?
Customer: I bought your book and the last page of book is losen. I want new book. I do not know if I can change it?
Bookseller: O.K. Can you send back the book to us within two days. When we received the book that you send. We will send you new book within three days to the address you provided.
Customer: O.K. I will return the book to you within two days.
Bookseller: We apologized customers for the problem. You will send a new book within three days after you send back for sure.
Customer: Thank you.
Bookseller: Your welcome! And sorry for the problem.

วันพุธที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Conversation telephoning

Conversation telephoning
Bookseller: Hello! My name is Panida. May I help you?
Customer: My name is Irin. I have problem about the book to buy on the three days ago.
Bookseller: Oh! Ms. Irin. You order International Business book three days ago. Do you have a problem?
Customer: I bought your book and the last page of book is losen. I want new book. I do not know if I can change it?
Bookseller: O.K. Can you send back the book to us within two days. When we received the book that you send. We will send you new book within three days to the address you provided.
Customer: O.K. I will return the book to you within two days.
Bookseller: We apologized customers for the problem. You will send a new book within three days after you send back for sure.
Customer: Thank you.
Bookseller: Your welcome! And sorry for the problem.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556


Bookseller: Hello, My name is Panida. May I help you?
Customer: I’m calling to buy a book. The book is called Management.
Bookseller: I’m sorry. We don’t have this book. You interested in another book?
Customer: I’m interested in a book about the business. Do you have any book recommendation?
Bookseller: I think the book of International Business is interesting because it talk about the management structure and business description. I think it would be useful for you.
Customer: OK! I took the book. How much of this book?
Bookseller: 500 ฿
Customer: How I would have paid it?
Bookseller: You will need to transfer money through banks.
Customer: How long I get the book.
Bookseller: You get the book after you transfer for a period of 3 days.
Customer: Great!
Bookseller: Thank you for using our service bookstore.

eating out

At the university.
Boom: hey!! Faii How are you?
Faii: Fine, thanks. And you?
Boom: Good, thanks.
Faii: Who’s that girls over there?
Boom: That’s my friend Da, Joy and Aun. Would you like to meet them?
Faii: Yes, please!
Boom: Da, Aun and Joy. This’s my friend Faii. Faii this’s Da Aun and Joy.
Faii: nice to meet you Da,Aun and Joy.
Da, Aun and joy: Nice to meet you to Faii.
Faii: Where are you going?
Joy: We are going to Japanese restaurant.
Da: Are you hungry?
Boom: I’m very hungry.
Faii: I know a nice Japanese restaurant. It’s called Fuji.
Aun: Do they have Shushi?
Faii: Oh, yeah. The shushi is great.
Boom: Where is it?
Faii: It’s on Rangsit street.
Boom: OK. Let’s go!!

At the Japanese restaurant
Palm: Welcome to Fuji restaurant. How many person?
Da: Table for 5 person please.
Palm: This way.
Da: Thank you.
Palm: are you ready to order?
Da: Just a minutes. Umm…OK. I’m ready to order.
Palm: Can I get you an appetizer?
Da: I want Japanese salad.
Faii: Me too.
Palm: And you?
Boom: No, thank.
Joy: And me, I get a shushi.
Aun: me too.
Palm: And you for a main course?
Joy: Um. Can I have the Ramen.
Faii: Tong Cut Su please.
Da: Sashimi.
Boom: Japan pizza.
Palm: Any desert?
Da: Dorayaki.
Faii: Ice-Cream.
Joy: I want Moji.
Boom: Me too.
Palm: Anything to drink?
Da: Ice-green tea.
Palm: Wait a minutes please.

Faii: What do you live? Da
Da: I live at Rama 9.
Faii: What do you do?
Da: I’m an super model. What about you?
Faii: Interesting. I’m a office worker.
Da: I think a office worker has a boring job.
Faii: Hahaha.
Faii: Joy and Aun what do you do?
Joy: I’m a singer. I work in Rama 9 restaurant.
Aun: I’m a sell-manager. I work in Rama9 too.
Faii: Really! My friend lives in Rama9.
Palm: This Food.

Joy: Could we have the bill, please. Can I pay by card?
Palm: Yes, you can pay by card. Thank you please come again next time.